All Safe Harbor articles

  • Lawsuit
    News Brief

    Lawsuit: Ex-Panoramic Health assistant GC alleges retaliation linked to CCO supervisor


    The former assistant general counsel at Panoramic Health is suing her former employer alleging wrongful termination after flagging safe harbor violations of the Anti-Kickback Statue.

  • White House

    U.S. includes surveillance concessions in new transatlantic data flow framework


    President Joe Biden’s executive order on a data privacy framework aims to provide a workable, legally resilient solution for companies to continue moving and storing the personal data of EU-based citizens to American-based servers without running afoul of the GDPR.

  • Transatlantic data

    Experts optimistic, though wary, toward Privacy Shield successor


    Legal and data privacy experts have expressed cautious optimism regarding the announcement that the United States and European Union have reached an agreement in principle to resume transatlantic data flows.

  • EU US privacy

    Third time’s the charm? Agreement in principle reached on U.S.-EU data flows


    The United States and European Union have reached an agreement in principle on how to handle transatlantic data flows, a thorny issue that has resulted in two prior frameworks being scrapped by the EU’s top court.

  • Nicodemus_opinion

    Without guidance, U.S. companies in limbo after Privacy Shield scrapped


    Despite a recent court ruling to scrap the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, the program is apparently still alive and well in the United States. It’s time to move on, writes Aaron Nicodemus.

  • Europedata

    Five tips for EU-U.S. data transfers post-Privacy Shield


    As the fallout from the demise of the Privacy Shield continues to play out, here are a handful of steps companies can take to protect themselves from potential GDPR violations when transferring data between the European Union and the United States.

  • EU US privacy

    Companies paying price for EU-U.S. Privacy Shield removal


    The legal and financial burden for companies to comply with the recent ruling to invalidate the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield might actually be worse than first thought, if an FAQ from the European Data Protection Board is any indication.

  • Europe Justice

    Europe’s top court strikes down U.S.-EU data transfer rule


    In a surprise decision that will have a major impact on trans-Atlantic data transfers, Europe’s top court ruled Thursday that a mechanism used by thousands of companies to send data to the United States is unlawful.

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    Miniclip settles with FTC for falsely claiming participation in COPPA safe harbor program


    Swiss-based digital game maker Miniclip has reached a settlement with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission for lying about its participation in a children’s privacy self-regulatory program.

  • PrivacyShield

    EU-U.S. Privacy Shield passes: Now what?


    For any U.S. company that collects and handles data on EU citizens, the time to review privacy policies, practices and contracts with service providers and customers is now. Jaclyn Jaeger has more.

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    EU data protection authorities concerned with EU-U.S. Privacy Shield


    A draft transatlantic data transfer framework approved in February by the European Commission and the U.S. Department of Commerce received a less-than-enthusiastic response from EU data protection authorities in an opinion released today, effectively giving U.S. companies little assurance as to how they can legally transfer personal data from Europe ...

  • Blog

    EU, U.S. Agree on New Safe Harbor Framework


    The European Union and the United States have agreed on a new framework that will allow for trans-Atlantic data flows between Europe and the United States. The new arrangement will provide stronger obligations on U.S. companies to protect the personal data of Europeans and stronger monitoring and enforcement by the ...

  • Article

    Year in Review: Regulatory Enforcement in Europe


    Image: For compliance officers in Europe, 2015 has been a big year. Aside from focusing on reporting wrongdoing and promoting a speak-up culture, watchdogs have been keeping compliance practitioners busy with a barrage of regulations that show no sign of easing. As compliance officers wonder to what degree the past ...

  • Article

    Mending the Data Privacy Gaps of the EU Safe Harbor Ruling


    Image: Three weeks after Europe’s top court demolished the 15-year-old Safe Harbor Program to transfer personal data from Europe to the United States, thousands of U.S. companies that used the program are still scrambling to fill data privacy gaps. “To lean back and see how things play out is not ...

  • Blog

    The Schrems Decision and Compliance


    Image: While the recent Schrems decision has seen a signifcant focus on the lack of U.S. data privacy protection from government or company intrusion, CW’s FCPA blogger Tom Fox says the decision also raises issues with hotlines and internal investigations. With these two key components of any best practices ...

  • Blog

    With Safe Harbor Squashed, What's Next for European Data Transfers?


    As anticipated, on Tuesday the European Court of Justice ruled the Safe Harbor program for international data transfers between the United States and European Union is invalid. While U.S. officials fret that the ruling will “undercut the ability of other countries, businesses, and citizens to rely upon negotiated arrangements with ...

  • Article

    Data Security Impasse Overturns Safe Harbor Program


    An Austrian student’s displeasure with Facebook has invalidated the longstanding trans-Atlantic Safe Harbor program for international data transfers. That complaint, originally about Facebook’s alleged cooperation in U.S. government spying, has reached the highest court and Europe and overturned 15 years of data privacy rules. Companies are left with few viable ...