- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
Provided by EY2024-04-26T21:03:00
To an audience of risk and compliance practitioners, this argument is an easy sell. The why is clear. The how, less so.
This e-Book will explore the nuts and bolts of integrating a risk-ranking strategy and tailored approach to third-party due diligence, in addition to:
2025-03-27T12:49:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
Yet another government contractor has been slapped with a fine by the Department of Justice for applying lax cybersecurity defenses on sensitive government data.
2025-03-21T04:40:00Z Provided by HITRUST
TPRM has always been a tough subject, requiring regular monitoring and audits to be done right. But until recently, it was something companies chose to do.
2025-03-20T20:13:00Z By Ian Sherr
The increasing efforts to fight modern slavery across the globe are getting a boost from EU rules that require companies to track and report on the issue. But compliance executives can’t lean on easy databases and automated solutions, experts increasingly say, that supply chain companies may ignore or lie to.
2024-11-20T03:42:00Z Provided by NAVEX
New whistleblower award programs are in the works at U.S. agencies including the Department of Justice and Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, while key regulators in the United Kingdom have also expressed support for compensating individuals.
2024-08-11T15:41:00Z Provided by Scrut Automation
Stay ahead of the curve with our latest ebook on the top Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) trends of 2024.
2024-07-24T17:19:00Z Provided by FTI Consulting
Regulators across the globe are chomping at the bit to supervise how businesses use artificial intelligence, prompting experts to encourage compliance to get involved in the decision-making process regarding the technology.
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