All Budget articles

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    Regulators make funding pitch for FY 2019 budget


    This week, President Trump sent Congress a $4.4 trillion budget proposal for fiscal year 2019. While Congress pores over the document, regulatory agencies are making their pitch for more resources.

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    PCAOB reduces budget, accounting support fee for 2018


    The PCAOB is reducing its budget in 2018, along with the accounting support fee companies must pay to fund the board’s audit regulatory activities.

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    SEC approves support fee increase to fund PCAOB budget


    The accounting support fee that public companies and broker-dealers pay to support audit regulation will rise in 2017 by about 6 percent, based on the PCAOB’s budget. Tammy Whitehouse has more.

  • Blog

    Congress to SEC: You'll get nothing and like it


    Twice in recent years, the House Appropriations Committee's approved budget for the SEC has been $222 million less than the SEC requested. For FY 2017, the SEC requested a budget of $1.781 billion. Anyone care to guess what the Committee approved?

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    White House plan would double SEC’s budget by 2021


    Don’t expect the proposal to emerge unscathed from its trip through partisan debate, but a budget plan announced this week by President Obama would provide the SEC and Commodity Futures Trading Commission the biggest boost to their bottom lines in recent years, with plans to double their fiscal year 2015 ...

  • Article

    SEC Enforcement Trends to Watch in 2016


    Image: A legal analysis of SEC enforcement brought in 2015, along with recent speeches given by SEC enforcement staff, provide a pretty clear roadmap of where the enforcement staff will continue to focus its top priorities in 2016. “Making sure you are addressing those issues in your compliance programs is ...

  • Blog

    Same Old, Same Old With SEC Budget Process


    On Wednesday, the House Appropriations Committee approved a fiscal year 2016 appropriations bill eerily similar to the bill Congress passed four years ago—both bills appropriate $222 million less than the SEC requested, freeze the SEC’s budget at the prior year’s level, and prohibit the SEC from drawing upon an important ...

  • Blog

    SEC's White Squares Off With Senate Committee Over FY 2016 Budget


    This week, SEC Chair Mary Jo White appeared before a skeptical Senate Appropriations Committee in support of the agency's request for $1.722 billion in FY 2016 -- a 15 percent increase over the SEC's budget in FY 2015.

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    Ceresney Testifies on Enforcement's Budgetary Needs and Performance


    Last week, Andrew Ceresney, Director of the SEC's Division of Enforcement, testified before the Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee. Ceresney provided the subcommittee with details on how the Enforcement Division would use a proposed increase in the SEC's budget for FY 2016, ...

  • Blog

    SEC Approves PCAOB Budget, Wants Improvements


    Image: The SEC has approved a 2015 budget of $250.9 million for the PCAOB, 3 percent less than its 2014 budget but 8 percent more than the board actually spent in 2014. PCAOB Chairman James Doty said that the decrease “reflects an appropriate reassessment of assumptions relating to personnel and ...

  • Blog

    Budget Bill Targets Dodd-Frank’s Derivatives Restrictions


    Dec. 10—Seeking to avoid another government shutdown, the House has approved the fiscal year 2015 Omnibus Appropriations bill, legislation that will provide discretionary funding for the vast majority of the federal government for the remainder of the current fiscal year. Notable inclusions in the bill—now before the Senate—are a $150 ...