George Curtis, the Deputy Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement, will participate in an April 28, 2009, webcast entitled “Inside the SEC Enforcement Division: Current and Former SEC and DOJ Prosecutors Discuss Important Changes Ahead.” Sponsored by KPMG Forensic and also featuring Pamela Parizek of KPMG Forensic and David Seide of the law firm Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle, the webcast provides a rare opportunity to pose questions to one of the Enforcement Division’s most senior officials, and learn about actions being taken by the Enforcement Division’s new leadership right now to address the financial crisis and the intense scrutiny of its recent performance.

What questions do you have for the SEC's Division of Enforcement--don't be shy! Please submit your questions in the Compliance Week forums, at this link:

To sign up for the webcast, please visit this link: