IntelliConnect, an intuitive research system from Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, now has many new features, allowing users to find and put information to work easier and quicker than ever.

One new feature: the Browse tree now appears directly on the home page, so when users log into IntelliConnect, they’ll be able to directly access it. “Favorites” can be found at the top of the Browse tree, so they’re also always available upon login. “Download” provides links to training, tutorials, forms and more have been moved to the home page, as well.

In addition, a publication list on the Browse tree provides an overview of all the publications each user subscribes to on IntelliConnect, giving users another method to find the content they want. Researchers can use the publications list by clicking on one of the alphabet letters to use a Table of Content format, or by typing the publication they are looking for right into the search box.

Selected documents now contain Relate buttons so users can now link directly to other documents just by clicking on one of the Relate buttons, saving researchers time. Users, too, can conduct up to eight sessions at the same time, as well as print selected text in a document by clicking on and highlighting the text, then clicking on the printer icon that appears on the screen. This is also a great time-saving feature for when users want to quickly print just a portion of a document for review. The title of the document will also print with the selected text.

By using the browser settings, the font size of IntelliConnect can be increased for easier viewing, or decreased, as well. The display of Tracker News has also been enhanced, with a more detailed description of each story and color-coding to enable quicker and easier viewing.

A product demonstration can be accessed here.