To help U.S. financial institutions comply with on-going Truth-in-Lending Act changes, Wolters Kluwer Financial Services has launched its Regulation Z Resource Center. The Website provides institutions with practical information that will help them address new and existing mortgage loan and credit card compliance requirements under Regulation Z. The Federal Reserve Board uses the regulation to implement TILA.

By visiting the Website, institutions can access articles and other information that clearly explain revisions to the regulation that will take effect in the first half of 2010, including changes to escrow account, credit card, and consumer open-end lending disclosure requirements. Institutions can also learn more about upcoming Regulation Z changes that do not yet have a mandatory compliance date, and they can find out more about all requirements currently in effect such as those surrounding higher-priced mortgages.

Several products and services that can help lenders quickly begin meeting Regulation Z requirements are available separately through the Website, as well, including Wolters Kluwer Financial Services’ new Escrow Tool Kit. The tool kit can help institutions prepare for the higher-priced mortgage loan escrow changes that take effect on April 1. It includes a recorded Webinar that can be used to educate an institution’s staff on the changes; policies and procedures documentation; an implementation guide; and an educational brochure to help borrowers understand the new requirements.