Wolters Kluwer Financial Services has expanded its compliance offerings to include consulting solutions for the U.S. securities industry and financial institutions in the U.K.

This new service was developed in response to requests from financial firms, which expressed a need for objective compliance experts who could not only help them understand the implications of regulatory change, but also help employ those changes within their organizations. Wolters Kluwer Financial Services’ consultants—many of whom served as NASD and SEC examiners in the U.S. and FSA supervisors in the U.K.—offer a broad range of regulatory experience.

The U.S. consultants assist securities firms with managing policies and procedures, including drafting, finalizing, and updating written supervisory procedures, compliance manuals, and codes of ethics. They also provide analysis, audit services, and annual reviews of current compliance practices to identify potential gaps related to various issues, including anti-money laundering procedures, soft dollar practices, short-selling restrictions, employee trading rules, and know your customer/enhanced due diligence requirements.

Consultants in the U.K. help securities, banking, and insurance firms navigate various compliance issues, including authorization; documentation; Advanced, Risk-Responsive Operating FrameWork preparation; AML and KYC guidance; and fraud detection. The consultants can also help firms evaluate potential compliance issues related to corporate restructuring, new product launches, or expanding or selling into new markets.