Wolters Kluwer Financial Services has enhanced the Investigative Services functionality of its Wiz Sentri: Anti-Fraud solution to help U.S. and U.K. financial institutions more effectively prevent financial crimes and the resulting losses before they occur. The solution facilitates fraud prevention by helping institutions detect the actual precursors to a fraudulent attack via continuous, real-time monitoring of both activity and behavior.

The Wiz Sentri: Anti-Fraud solution’s new relationship analysis capabilities enable fraud investigators at institutions to quickly uncover correlations between customers, their accounts, and employees that may be involved in or impacted by a criminal scheme. By offering investigators a visual display of the links between all accounts, customers, and employees within an institution, the tool enables institutions to rapidly uncover complex and often hidden relationships and activity patterns and head off any potential financial crimes.

With the new Investigative Services update, management can also more effectively assess current risk levels to the institution through detailed and configurable reporting tools and case management dashboards. By allowing investigators to point out and provide commentary on suspicious account activity from within the system, they avoid the labor-intensive process of creating separate disparate reports for management.

The Wiz Sentri: Anti-Fraud solution leverages the proven network surveillance technology of Intellinx, recently identified by Gartner as one of the top four such technologies in the financial services marketplace. Wolters Kluwer Financial Services utilizes its extensive expertise in helping institutions combat financial crimes and manage operational risk by infusing this knowledge within the Intellinx technology platform. With Wiz Sentri: Anti-Fraud, this unique blend of technology and financial crime expertise yields shorter implementation times and a greater ability to detect suspicious behavior and prevent associated financial crimes before they occur.