It has now been almost two years since Galleon Group co-founder Raj Rajaratnam was sentenced to 11 years in prison following his conviction on 14 counts of conspiracy and securities fraud. The Federal Bureau of Prisons assigned Rajaratnam to the Federal Medical Center Devens in Ayer, Mass., a facility about 40 miles west of Boston where inmates with serious kidney problems are often sent. At Rajaratnam's sentencing hearing, the judge noted that Rajaratnam has "severe health problems, including diabetes that could lead to eventual kidney failure," DealBook reported.

As reports on Rajaratnam have been few and far between since he reported to Devens in December 2011, you may share some of the same questions that I have been pondering, such as:

Does Rajaratnam have a manservant to carry out tasks for him?; and

Has Rajaratnam been able to immediately snag himself one of the "prime cells" on the top of Devens' hospital ward that eliminates the inconvenient half-mile walk to the hospital and to the dining hall? 

The answers to these questions are yes and yes, according to the New York Post. Based on an interview with a "prison insider" who is clearly bitter that Rajaratnam is "reigning like a king” at Devens, the Post reports that Rajaratnam has aligned himself with an American Samoan named Eddie who has become his "manservant." Eddie, who is reportedly angling to be Rajaratnam's chauffeur when they get out, assists him with things such as microwaving food on days he prefers not to eat in the dining hall and obtaining things that Rajaratnam needs.

The Post also reports that Rajaratnam has scored one of the coveted "P3" cells at Devens that are usually reserved for the elderly or crippled. These units have "private toilets, a shared balcony for sunning themselves, televisions and adjustable beds," and are just a short walk to the dining hall. The Post's source complained that Rajaratnam is getting special treatment at Devens, and dismissed the notion that this was due to his diabetes. “Up there, diabetes is like a common cold,” he said.