- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Neil Hodge2021-08-23T17:54:00
The British Standards Institution has created international guidance to help companies set up an effective whistleblowing management system.
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2022-11-21T17:50:00Z By Neil Hodge
A U.K. employment tribunal’s ruling that a former BP employee was not entitled to whistleblower protection has shone a spotlight on the legal issues workers must consider ahead of speaking up.
2021-05-10T15:57:00Z By Neil Hodge
An EU directive designed to harmonize whistleblower protections could produce complexity as lawyers warn there are likely to be wide variations in the level of security each country’s national law will offer.
2020-12-08T17:55:00Z By Cédric Dubar, CW guest columnist
The creation of an independent, competent “Ombuds” function could be used by companies to respond to certain key requirements in the EU’s Whistleblower Protection Directive.
2024-08-27T14:09:00Z By Adrianne Appel
Two pairs of claimants will receive whistleblower awards totaling more than $98 million and $24 million, respectively, for information they provided to the Securities and Exchange Commission that led to an enforcement action.
2024-08-23T15:47:00Z By Neil Hodge
Discrimination against whistleblowers in the U.K. has risen to such a level that the government may need to actively pursue plans to afford greater legal protection, as well as introduce financial awards to compensate for their “career suicide.”
2024-08-02T14:12:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
The Department of Justice released the details of its long-awaited corporate whistleblower awards pilot program that will prioritize reporting in areas of corporate crime not currently covered by existing whistleblower programs.
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