All Whistleblowers articles – Page 19

  • Article

    Waters urges CFPB employees to be whistleblowers


    Rep. Maxine Waters, chair of the House Financial Services Committee, has written an open letter to CFPB employees urging them to be proud of their work and use a whistleblower hotline to report anything undermining those efforts.

  • Article

    An inside look at False Claims Act enforcement


    Deputy Associate Attorney General Stephen Cox in remarks this week offered some key insight into the Department of Justice’s enforcement principles, policies, and perspectives that guide its False Claims Act enforcement.

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    Distilling compliance lessons from healthcare fraud cases


    False Claims Act recoveries related to healthcare fraud in fiscal year 2018 offer key insight into the best practices the government expects to ensure compliance with federal healthcare laws.

  • Whistle

    Study: Blowing the whistle won’t harm the bottom line


    A new study from NAVEX Global reveals whistleblower hotlines don’t often prove detrimental to business outcomes.

  • McKessycrop

    Sean X. McKessy: King of the whistleblowers


    Sean McKessy spent several years at the SEC building its whistleblower protection program, putting in place an incentive program for paying whistleblowers, and creating a new way for the SEC to break cases.

  • News Brief

    SEC Brings First Action on Whistleblower ‘Pre-taliation’


    The SEC has filed its first enforcement action against a company for what the agency has previously labeled “pre-taliation”—using confidentiality agreements or other agreements to potentially stifle the whistleblowing process. The company in question was KBR, which will pay $130,000 in penalties. See inside for more details.