The SEC's new rules for the whistleblower bounty program, authorized by the Dodd-Frank Act, present a sea change for the way companies and financial institution manage and respond to whistleblowers, conduct internal investigations, and interact with the SEC. On July 22, I will be moderating a webcast that will examine the following, and much more, in detail:

What do the SEC whistleblower rules really mean?

What compliance policies and procedures must be considered to address whistleblowers?

How will the whistleblower rules affect internal investigations?

What will the whistleblower rules mean for SEC Enforcement actions?

This webcast will feature a panel that includes current and former representatives from the SEC, corporate America, and private law practice. It is geared toward in-house legal and compliance professionals, executives and managers, and practicing lawyers who deal with compliance or will be involved in creating their organization's whistleblower policies.


Scott Friestad, Associate Director, SEC's Division of Enforcement

Brad Bondi, Partner, Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP (former counsel to SEC Commissioners Paul Atkins and Troy Paredes and former Deputy General Counsel of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission)

Martin Biegelman, Director, Navigant Consulting, Inc. (former Director of Financial Integrity at Microsoft)

Paul Atkins, partner, Sphere Consulting  (former SEC Commissioner) will serve as moderator.

To attend this free webcast scheduled for Friday, July 22, at 1 pm Eastern, please sign up here.