It seems like quite a mismatch at first glance but, upon reflection, maybe Scott London is the perfect person to be a panelist in an upcoming webcast on ethics for CPAs. London, as discussed numerous times on this site, is the former KPMG audit partner who pleaded guilty to insider trading in June 2013. Last month, London was sentenced to 14 months in federal prison and ordered to pay a $100,000 fine. He also lost his CPA credential.

London has been ordered to surrender to authorities and report to prison on July 18, but agreed to participate in a June 27, 2014 webcast on accounting ethics before he heads off to prison. The webcast will be moderated by Gaylen Hansen, former chair of the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, and Gary Zeune of The Pros & The Cons (a CPE education provider for accountants).

Materials for the webcast state that it will be a "hard hitting, no holds barred, one of a kind live interview" with London, who "wants to help others avoid his mistakes by sharing the many decisions, one at time, that resulted in the loss of his CPA license and a prison sentence." Areas for questioning will include the effect of family culture and personal pressure on London; why London failed to understand the risks; the reaction by KPMG and the devastation to his family; "the one question that would have stopped London cold;" and many others.

While a convicted felon stripped of his CPA may seem like an unlikely choice to lead a discussion on CPA ethics, London has consistently taken responsibility for his actions and expressed what appears to be sincere remorse following his arrest. I've written here before that I believe that this courthouse video interview with London would probably have a lasting impact on Big 4 trainees. If this June webcast causes at least one CPA to think twice about violating the securities laws or CPA ethics, then it will have been worthwhile.