All VW articles

  • VW Drive Bigger

    Chapter 5: Volkswagen’s path to winning back trust


    Its monitorship now complete, Volkswagen’s new focus is to rebuild its reputation among its customer base. It’s a long process, says Board Member Hiltrud Werner, one supported by a shift in strategy.

  • VW group board

    Chapter 4: Tangible measures of cultural progress at Volkswagen


    At the end of the day, how does an organization measure the effectiveness of company-wide cultural initiatives? Volkswagen has answers, utilizing perception workshops, mood barometers, and new diversity and inclusion initiatives as part of its culture rebuild post-Dieselgate.

  • Volkswagen T4I key initiatives

    Chapter 3: VW operationalizes its Dieselgate monitorship


    A revamped code of conduct and the Together4Integrity campaign stood out as significant milestones for Hiltrud Werner & Co. as Volkswagen began to embrace its Dieselgate monitorship as a way to improve company culture.

  • Hiltrud Werner index

    Chapter 2: Volkswagen monitorship falls in line under Hiltrud Werner


    While Larry Thompson assembled his team for the Dieselgate monitorship, Volkswagen countered with appointments of its own, including Hiltrud Werner as head of integrity and legal affairs. Their relationship would determine the success of the monitorship going forward.

  • Dirty window

    CW presents: ‘Coming Clean: Volkswagen’s Dieselgate scandal and compliance monitorship’


    Volkswagen’s recently concluded three-year monitorship is chronicled in CW’s latest in-depth case study, which spares no detail in following the world’s largest automaker’s comeback from its biggest mistake.

  • Diesel emissions

    Chapter 1: Volkswagen’s Dieselgate scandal exposed; enter Larry Thompson


    The Volkswagen Dieselgate scandal wasn’t the work of one executive who thought to install illicit software into diesel motor vehicles. It was born from a “chain of errors that was never broken,” forming the basis for one of the largest and most high-profile corporate compliance monitorships in history.

  • Article

    Shareholders seeking $10.6 billion from VW over emissions disclosure


    Shareholders seeking damages worth €9.2 billion (U.S. $10.6 billion) have taken German car giant Volkswagen to court in Germany for failing to inform them fully of the financial impact that the emissions cheating scandal would have on the company’s share price.

  • Blog

    How suppliers facilitate fraud and corruption


    Compliance officers should always remember there is a bribe receiver in a corruption case. That is why it is important to know not only your third party, but also with whom you are doing business.

  • Blog

    VW: The comeback begins


    VW is currently demonstrating it can use a corporate scandal to wipe the corporate slate clean by refocusing on the emerging technologies for a greater business share.

  • Blog

    Germans arrest VW executive


    Will the recent arrest of VW former Chief Engineer Wolfgang Harz mean more prosecutions of those involved in the worldwide cover-up of the emissions testing scandal? Tom Fox has more.

  • Blog

    VW enters a new penalty phase


    A significant source of funding or loan guarantees for VW may have become impaired, making the emissions-testing scandal and the attendant penalty phase potentially even more damaging for the automaker.

  • Blog

    Change in prosecutorial strategy in VW case?


    The recent arrest of an italian citizen in Germany, a former VW employee, may mean the government intends to bring charges against lower-level employees in an attempt to get them to flip on senior employees who were involved in the fraud.

  • Blog

    German Chancellor questioned in VW scandal


    What did German Chancellor Angela Merkel know and when did she know it? A German parliamentary investigation seeks to uncover the truth about how much Merkel knew about diesel emissions standards and the VW case.

  • Blog

    Oliver Schmidt—not quite Sgt. Schultz


    “I see nothing! I hear nothing! I know nothing!” seems to be the rallying cry of former head of emissions compliance in the U.S. for Volkswagen Oliver Schmidt, who claims during the VW scandal, “he was a minor player misled by company lawyers and information technology specialists.”

  • Blog

    VW: Fraud at the top?


    More bad news for Volkswagen, as German authorities have expanded their investigation to 37 individuals from 21, including former CEO Martin Winterkorn. Tom Fox reports.

  • Blog

    The optics couldn’t be worse—VW departs its CCO


    Barely a year after Christine Hohmann-Dennhardt took the position of head of compliance at Volkswagen, she is leaving the company. The Man From FCPA Tom Fox reports.

  • Blog

    Next in line for regulatory troubles, Fiat?


    Fiat, which was recently flagged by the EPA for pollution violations, could be a reminder to companies to scour the news for details on any regulatory investigations of their peers and perhaps to begin scrutinizing their own books and records, says The Man From FCPA Tom Fox.

  • Blog

    On the death of the ‘rogue engineer’


    For The Man from FCPA Tom Fox, the most interesting thing about the Volkswagen indictments were not that ‘rogue engineers’ were charged but that executives who participated in the cover-up were indicted.

  • Blog

    Second VW exec arrested: those pesky e-mails


    As the recent arrest of another VW executive (this time in the United States) unfolds, The Man From FCPA Tom Fox ponders whether VW will actively assist U.S. law enforcement authorities in performing a substantive internal investigation.

  • Blog

    When the regulators fail


    Tom Fox looks at an untapped area of concern with the Volkswagen emissions scandal: Why did no EU regulator catch on earlier?