Vaultive announced support for persistent encryption of data stored and processed by major enterprise cloud applications, including Box Enterprise, Yammer, SharePoint Online, SkyDrive Pro, SAP SuccessFactors and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. 

Vaultive also unveiled more extensive support for the Microsoft Office 365 Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and eDiscovery features released as part of the Wave 15 update, as well as administrative automation capabilities designed to streamline management. 

The Vaultive platform enables customers to take advantage of the flexibility and productivity benefits of cloud-based services, while ensuring that only authorized users can gain access to cloud data. Vaultive accomplishes this through persistent encryption of data-in-use, and by ensuring direct control of the encryption keys to its customers.  As a result, any breach or disclosure at the cloud service provider will yield only encrypted, unintelligible gibberish. Any requests for data will then have to be redirected to the data owner who holds the encryption keys.

With this release, Vaultive is extending the reach of its groundbreaking encryption-in-use technology, empowering businesses to persistently encrypt data across the enterprise and in the cloud. 

New features of the Vaultive platform include:

Support for Major Cloud Applications: Vaultive now enables risk-conscious organizations to embrace collaboration platforms such as Box Enterprise, Yammer and SkyDrive Pro, as well as deploy Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online on a global basis by empowering customers to maintain ownership and control of their data no matter where it resides or is processed.

Vaultive Platform for SaaS: Vaultive's gateway integrates a set of extensible configuration options to deliver support for additional SaaS applications such as SAP SuccessFactors, as well as cloud-based platforms such as SharePoint Online. The ability to further configure the Vaultive encryption engine for almost any cloud-based service allows organizations to implement encryption-in-use to protect data stored and processed in custom cloud applications.

Full Support for Data Loss Prevention and eDiscovery in Office 365:  Vaultive now provides the ability to implement DLP and e-discovery functionality on data while persistently encrypted in the Office 365 cloud. The Vaultive management console now also enables administrators to define their own classification rules based on keywords or regular expressions – extending the existing set of compliance templates provided by Microsoft.

Automated Provisioning and Encrypted Synchronization:  Vaultive automates the provisioning and de-provisioning of changes to encrypted user groups, reducing the administrative overhead and ensuring consistent security and IT management operations. Administrative change processes are easily synchronized to the Vaultive gateway.

Comprehensive In-Box Rules:  Businesses can now apply content-based rules for all clients including OWA and Outlook sessions, in addition to rules based on the sender and recipient, while all data remains encrypted at Office 365.