The U.S. Department of Treasury has appointed Matthew Rutherford as assistant secretary for financial markets. In his new role, Rutherford will advise the secretary on matters such as domestic finance; financial markets; federal, state and local finance; and federal government lending policies. He also will be responsible for the Treasury's management of the public debt.

Rutherford has served as deputy assistant secretary for Federal Finance since 2009, where he advised the secretary on issues involving Treasury financing, public debt management, Federal regulation of financial markets, and related economic matters including regulatory issues in the government securities markets and the futures markets.

Prior to this, Rutherford helped to establish the Treasury's Markets Room while on assignment from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY). In addition, Rutherford served in various other positions at the FRBNY, including debt management advisory to the Treasury, analyst in the Treasury market policy staff and analyst in the cross market monitoring staff. Rutherford was also a presidential management fellow in Washington, D.C.