Back in May 2009--only nine months ago in reality but roughly a decade in Twitter-time--I created a list of "15 People All Securities and Corporate Litigators Should Follow on Twitter." Since then, many new people who are interested in this area have joined Twitter, while others who were on the original list have lost their focus, interest, or luster.

Accordingly, I am taking a shot below at updating my "must-follow" on Twitter list for you securities and corporate litigators and lawyers out there. As I noted last time, part of my criteria for including people on this list is that they do a great job of staying on topic, and do not often drift into Twitter-babble about what they're having for dinner, what their dog is doing, being stuck in traffic, or anything else that makes you feel stupider for having spent 5 seconds reading what they've posted.

In my view, the people and organizations below consistently add value and are great sources of information and insight for securities and corporate litigators. Here, then, is my latest version of 15 People All Securities and Corporate Litigators Should Follow on Twitter, in alphabetical order:

@amlawdaily – The American Lawyer's feed of daily legal business news and analysis of leading law firms. Reporters such as Alison Frankel, Zach Lowe and Andrew Longstreth consistently deliver some of the best securities litigation-related news.

@astarita – Mark Astarita, a partner at Beam & Astarita. Mark started the blog way back in 1995, and writes at that blog and now on Twitter about securities and commodities law, including corporate finance, public offerings, stock broker regulation, securities arbitration.

@brocromanek – Broc Romanek, the editor of blog which dates back to 2002 (and the Mayor of Blog City), writes and comments on corporate and securities law.

@compliancebuild - The feed from Doug Cornelius' excellent "Compliance Building" blog. Lots of good insights on SEC enforcement and compliance.

@complianceweek – "Twitterer-in-chief" and Compliance Week editor Matt Kelly provides excellent comments and links on corporate compliance and risk.

@footnoted – Michelle Leder, author of the terrific blog, comments here on the nuggets of gold she finds buried in SEC filings.

@irwebreport – Dominic Jones, editor of, fearlessly takes on all comers in the IR industry here and on his blog, addressing issues such as Regulation FD and disclosure.

@karascannell - A relatively new feed started by Kara Scannell, the WSJ's teriffic SEC and financial regulation reporter.

@kevinlacroix – Kevin LaCroix, the hardest working man in the D&O business, and author of the amazing D&O Diary blog. I would call Kevin's work on the D&O Diary "prolific" but that doesn't really do it justice — what word comes after "prolific?" Kevin writes here about D&O liability issues.

@litigationdaily - Twitter feed of the AmLaw Litigation Daily, which I guess is like the little brother of the AmLaw Daily? Whatever it is, it is good.

@mainjustice - A new feed from Main Justice, a publication that covers insider news about the U.S. Department of Justice.

@Sec_News - News feed provided by the SEC. No more, no less.

@SecuritiesD - What would it look like if a former SEC Enforcement attorney and securities litigation partner spent all day looking for and publishing news of interest to securities litigators? It would look like this feed from Securities Docket.

@tfoxlaw - Excellent and very active feed from Tom Fox, an attorney specializing in FCPA compliance solutions and international transactions.

@USSecuritiesLaw - New feed from, which aggregates the legal alerts, memos and briefs on the SEC & securities law from the world's top law firms.