Way back in the summer of 2009, the SEC introduced a useful "SEC_Actions" Twitter feed that was dedicated to announcing new SEC cases in a timely fashion. About five weeks later, however, the SEC_Actions feed went silent, never to be heard from again.

That was a shame because many people in 2009 were starting to use Twitter as an information gathering tool, and there is obviously interest in the SEC's new cases. Two years later, there are exponentially more people using Twitter, but there is still no Twitter feed from the SEC to announce new cases. The SEC still relies on a dedicated page on its website (here) to announce new litigation.

I have said for some time that creating a Litigation Releases Twitter feed that is tied to the RSS feed of the website and therefore automatically updated "should be a very simple task, as there are many free services that permit websites to have newly added content automatically posted to a Twitter feed." I meant a "very simple task" for the SEC, but the agency has shown no interest in creating such a feed, so I decided to give it a shot today. 5 minutes later, @SEC_Litigation was born. 

To reiterate, @SEC_Litigation is not associated with the SEC in any way. It is something I created this afternoon to bring the SEC's RSS feed for its Litigation Releases to Twitter. And if the SEC is reading this and you would like to adopt @SEC_Litigation as your own, just let me know and it is all yours!