All trust articles

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    Whistleblowers and building trust


    It is now more important than ever for companies to take seriously internal whistleblower reports, get the reports into the hands of the corporate functions that can triage and investigate such information, and keep the whistleblower in the loop more fully as to the status of the investigation.

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    Mastercard, IBM launch trust to help companies meet GDPR requirements


    Mastercard and IBM announced the launch of Truata,an independent trust designed specifically to help organizations conduct analytics in full compliance with the GDPR. Truata will enable companies to meet the standards of data protection envisioned by the GDPR, while continuing to innovate and deliver the services and experiences their customers ...

  • Blog

    Loss of trust and internal investigations


    If your stakeholders do not trust you, they will not confide in you in a meaningful manner. Many commentators talk about business ethics, but it may all start with business trust.