Trillium Software has announced the release of Trillium Software Systems version 12, the latest major version of its enterprise data quality solution for high-volume data profiling and discovery, data cleansing, and data quality dashboards and reporting. The Trillium Software System version 12 is a major release delivering significant enhancements that support Trillium Software’s vision for enterprise-level Total Data Quality.

The solution includes a number of new capabilities and features, including:

ActiveEnterprise Resources: New components for accelerating the design, development, and deployment of real-time data quality programs across an organization. It provides a platform for companies to expand existing data quality processes into strategic, operationally-based applications including master data management, risk and compliance, and data governance.

Business Rules Library: Empowers users to easily design, deploy, manage, and share user-defined business rules across multiple data sources and systems from one location. The library enhances support for data governance and enables organizations to enforce data quality corporate standards for all types of data domains, including product, customer, supplier, and financial data.

Dashboarding and Reporting Enhancements: New data quality ratings enable users to create data quality metrics and scorecards associated with business processes and functions, providing improved levels of context and value for information governance. The metrics are presented in an intuitive graphical user-interface format, allowing executives, business users, data stewards, and data governance teams to easily and quickly monitor the status of data and understand how it impacts enterprise goals, processes, and transactions.

Global Support in User Interface: Ability to create language-specific screens as well as help and context-sensitive display information. The product’s support of double-byte, single-byte, and Unicode languages and country templates expands the level of coverage for more countries and advances overall support of global data quality programs.