Billerica, Mass-based Trillium Software has announced a new set of strategic business consulting services aimed at cost-effectively helping organizations plan, implement, and maintain critical data governance initiatives.

Trillium’s initiatives help customers realize how to plan for—and what they can expect from—their data governance initiatives in terms of value, business benefits, and potential cost-savings. Trillium can help customers:

- Perform detailed value assessments to secure executive buy-in and enable clients to quickly execute on plans and goals;- Conduct onsite collaborative engagements and assign roles or responsibilities to create a structure that advocates a small administrative footprint and promotes more effective organizational alignment;- Draw up plans that serve as the foundation for overarching data governance processes and a Center of Excellence that is scalable and sustainable over the long term; and- Fine-tune solutions to ensure customers maximize the benefits of data governance and technology.

For more information about Trillium Consulting data governance consulting services, contact James Orr at or call (719) 481-0565.