- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Simone Jones, International Compliance Association 2020-10-02T14:49:00
Simone Jones of the International Compliance Association offers three ways to get employees to both embrace financial crime training and use the knowledge learned in their daily roles.
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2021-05-12T21:34:00Z By Nitin Sane, International Compliance Association
Fundamental differences in ideology and motivation differentiate a terrorist from organized criminal groups. However, a debate rages over the connection between transnational organized crime and terrorist financing.
2020-12-16T18:50:00Z By Anusia E. Gillespie, CW guest columnist
Today’s volatile market, coupled with the increasing willingness of subject matter experts to collaborate, changes the game in some areas, where “build” starts to make more sense than “buy.” One area is digital compliance training.
2020-10-21T16:39:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
A new study of financial crime compliance costs found spending by American and Canadian financial institutions is up sharply in 2020, driven in part by the coronavirus pandemic.
2023-07-06T15:28:00Z By Jon Prentice, International Compliance Association
Speakers as part of a webinar hosted by the International Compliance Association discuss practical tips for engaging learners via compliance training beyond the traditional tick-box approach.
2023-05-25T12:00:00Z By Jeff Dale
Compliance practitioners learned how to become ethical Jedi masters during a panel discussion on integrating pop culture into training at Compliance Week’s 2023 National Conference.
2021-05-13T18:09:00Z By Kyle Brasseur
An expert panel at CW’s 2021 National Conference discussed the importance for companies to embrace behavioral analytics in their training programs to align with updates to the DOJ’s “Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs” guidance.
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