The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has appointed three new members to the Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF). The EITF assists the FASB in improving financial reporting through the timely identification, discussion, and resolution of financial accounting issues.

Members of the EITF are chosen from a cross-section of the FASB's constituents, including public accounting firms, preparers of financial statements, and users of financial statements. EITF members are appointed by the FASB technical director based on their professional expertise. Members are appointed to staggered five-year terms, renewable at the discretion of the EITF chairman.

The new members are:

Terri Campbell: managing director with Liberty Mutual Group Asset Management, responsible for the public equity investments of the company. Prior to joining Liberty Mutual, Terri managed a U.S. large cap core fund for Eastern Investment Advisors, a division of Eastern Bank in Boston. She also has held analyst positions covering information technology stocks at The Boston Company Asset Management and energy stocks at Independence Investment Associates, a subsidiary of John Hancock Life Insurance.

Jackson Day: Americas director of accounting standards setting for Ernst & Young. From 1997 to 1999, he was a FASB practice fellow. Day also has been both an acting chief accountant and a deputy chief accountant of the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as chairman of the International Organization of Securities Commissions' Standing Committee on accounting, auditing, and disclosure.

Larry Salva: senior vice president, chief accounting officer and controller of Comcast Corporation. Prior to joining Comcast in January 2000, Larry was a partner with PwC for over 12 years. Larry also served as a professional accounting fellow with the SEC's Office of the Chief Accountant.

Campbell and Day began their EITF term on Sept. 11. Salva will begin his term on Nov. 1.