- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
Provided by Theta Lake2024-08-07T05:54:00
To drive better policy, record keeping, supervision, and improved productivity, organizations will need to consider a nuanced approach to their mobile compliance strategy. Which devices are best suited for regulated vs. unregulated employees?
Which channels are best fit across employee types, and which features should be enabled within those channels to increase productivity and support compliance?
In this eBook, learn about the top 5 mobile Digital Communications Governance (DCG) best practices that will cultivate productive, flexible and compliant mobile communications.
2025-03-26T18:48:00Z By Oscar Gonzalez
The European Commission released its preliminary findings last week regarding Apple and Google not complying with the Digital Markets Act. It issued orders to both companies regarding their business practice and plans to release all of its findings next week.
2025-03-20T13:44:00Z By Aly McDevitt
Speakers at Compliance Week’s Ethics and Compliance Summit swapped engagement strategies rooted in human behavior, including with through the use of generative AI, free merchandise, and live events, to meet employees where they are.
2025-03-20T13:24:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
Compliance has long been viewed by some as the “Department of No.” What typically happens is a new product or service is being launched, and compliance is brought in at the end of the process. Inevitably, the compliance team finds aspects of the new product or service that violates a ...
2024-11-06T17:05:00Z Provided by ServiceNow
The individual requirements for your security and risk operations are increasingly complex—and interconnected. Yet despite this increased interconnectivity, many organizations still manage their security operations (SecOps) and integrated risk management (IRM) functions in silos.
2024-05-05T17:30:00Z Provided by ServiceNow and KPMG
To help investors gain a better understanding of cyber risk, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has created sweeping new rules—forcing companies to take a more proactive approach to cybersecurity.
2024-04-22T19:00:00Z Provided by LogicGate
Spending countless hours tracking down controls evidence for your audit and compliance activities is an annoyance at best and a major drag on productivity and effectiveness at worst.
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