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The new California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) takes effect on January 1, 2020. Ahead of this milestone – and with several States working on new data management regulations – many financial services organizations are concerned with the risks of non-compliance:

  • Loss of reputation
  • Financial penalties
  • Potential civil lawsuits

Veritas has 20 years of eDiscovery technology experience and has helped many organizations meet similar GDPR, FINRA, FOIA and MIFID II requirements. Veritas Information Studio enables proactive data management, meaning CCPA can be a positive catalyst for gaining a deeper understanding of your sensitive data: 

  • Identify and visualize all PII data across an on-prem and cloud infrastructure, giving confidence on knowing where your sensitive data resides
  • Uncover ‘dark’ or uncatalogued data – which research shows typically accounts for 52% of data
  • Automate the classification of your data, so it can be easily maintained, controlled and catalogued
  • Empower immediate, auditable action if necessary to delete or move data

Not sure where your sensitive data sits? Our attached solutions brief gives advice on how to best start your sensitive data discovery and protection journey. Or contact for a WebEx demo of how Veritas Information Studio can help Compliance, Governance and IT teams get ahead of CCPA.
