Thomson Reuters has announced the launch of a suite of Web-based global corporate business intelligence solutions that bring together assets and expertise from across Thomson Reuters.

With a single login, corporate professionals tasked with researching competitors or prospects, developing growth strategies, or managing financial performance can now access all the information, analytics, and tools they need to put market developments in context and reach sound business decisions.

The solution brings together powerful brands such as First Call, StreetEvents, SDC Platinum, Investext, VentureXpert, and Reuters News. It includes the largest collection of after-market research, dating back to 1982, from more than 1,000 contributing brokers—over 40 of which have an exclusive relationship with Thomson Reuters.

Built on the flexible Thomson ONE platform, users can customize their workspace to access only the components they need, in the order that mirrors their workflow. As needs grow, users have the option of adding more features and information to their core solution.