As I wrote here following Compliance Week 2011, The Second City comedy theater is doing a great job of making compliance issues such revenue recognition or conflicts of interest funny and interesting in its unique training videos. But it turns out that, surprisingly, it is not just the comedy pros who have a sense of humor in this area.

The WSJ reports that at a recent event at The Comic Strip in Manhattan, compliance professionals took the stage to compete for the title of "Funniest Compliance Officer" (a competition that one of the contestants compared to "looking for America's most eligible 'Star Trek' groupie."). And judging by the video below and some of the coverage in the WSJ column, it looks like there really are some very funny compliance officers out there (but you already knew that, right?).

The winner of the competition was Michael L. Shaw, Chief Compliance Officer for GlaxoSmithKline PLC. Check out his material and that of some of the other contestants below.