As I discussed in detail here this week, two full years have now passed since the U.K. Bribery Act took effect on July 1, 2011. In that time, a whole lot of nothing has transpired in terms of enforcement of the Act--at least on the surface. There are, however, signs that a number of investigations and so-called "pre-investigation investigations" may soon result in some tangible results for the UK's Serious Fraud Office.

On July 2, 2013, I hosted a webcast with four leading UK lawyers and professionals to discuss "The UK Bribery Act Two Years On: What Was All the Fuss About?" The panel featured Vivian Robinson QC, the former General Counsel of the SFO; Barry Vitou and Richard Kovalevsky QC, co-authors of perhaps the leading blog on the UK Bribery Act (; and Julian Glass, Managing Director of FTI Consulting. 

It may not have been the reunion of The Rolling Stones in Hyde Park, as Barry and Richard suggest on their blog, but the webcast was a very useful update on enforcement prospects for this critical piece of legislation, including:

Will the UK water down the Bribery Act?

What is the likelihood of UK enforcement?

Will Deferred Prosecution Agreements make any difference?

What are the emerging trends?

Compliance benchmarking

You can watch the full webcast below: