I was preparing to write a post here about 20 of my favorite securities litigation and SEC enforcement-related websites and blogs that you might also find useful. Now I don't have to, however, and here is why.

LinkedIn.com has groups that its users can join. The idea is to enable professionals with similar interests to have a place online that they can meet up to network and share information. In September 2008, my publication, Securities Docket, started the "Securities Litigation and Enforcement Group," which has already grown to 335 members.

In October 2008, LinkedIn astutely added a "News" feature to its groups that allows members of the group to post links to news stories that they think others in the group will find useful. This was an important first step and on Friday of last week, LinkedIn took this to a different level altogether: it added the ability for group moderators (such as me) to add RSS feeds to the group's News.

What does that mean for you? In our Securities Litigation and Enforcement Group, at least, it means that every new post from every one of what I consider to be the 20 most useful websites and blogs for gathering securities litigation and SEC enforcement information is now immediately and freely available on the News tab of this group.

How can you drink from this Securities Litigation and Enforcement News fire hose? It's easy: simply join the group (you can sign up here) if you are not already a member, and then just click on the News tab (go to "Latest News"). My only request is that once you are a member and reading the News from this group, please let me know if there are other RSS feeds that you think should be added. Thanks!