Every time you start to think you have the lay of the land in an area of law or business, something immediately comes along to set you straight. For instance, how did I not know about The Pros & The Cons, "the only speakers' bureau in the United States for white-collar criminals?"

Want to be a featured speaker for the Pros and the Cons? Then go get yourself locked up for something ASAP, at least if you want to be on the "Con" side of the house. "Con" speakers include:

Chuck Gallagher, who "decided to embezzle his clients' trust funds. Convicted of embezzlement and tax evasion, and served an 18 month Federal prison sentence then three years of probation." Chuck will speak to you about Fraud Deception and Detection Methods, "Temptation and Fraud - Internal Control Methods that Reduce Opportunity," or "Choices: Negative Consequences/Positive Results."

Walt Pavlo, a former senior manager at MCI who in 1996 "began to perpetrate a fraud involving a few of MCI's own customers. When the scheme was completed, there had been seven customers of MCI defrauded over a six-month period resulting in $6 million in payments to the Cayman Islands." Reportedly served 2 1/2 years in federal prison.

Dunlap Cannon, once "the most successful real estate attorney in his home town," he also stole $5 million." After 3+ years in prison, he now shares how he fooled all the people who were responsible for protecting his clients money. Learn how he used 'plausible' and 'complex' answers to fool all those around him."

And so on. Those without criminal records may still wish to apply to be one of the bureau's "Pro" speakers, of course, although I assume that side of the house has way less street cred.