- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Robert Herz2016-03-08T11:30:00
Image: A common criticism of the requirement for U.S. public companies to report quarterly is that it engenders too much short termism. The debate over the pros and cons of quarterly reporting has raged for decades, with no end in sight. But what if there was a way to retain ...
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2019-03-26T20:52:00Z By Joe Mont
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness has entered the fray over potential reforms to the timing and substance of corporate disclosures. Its pitch: a centralized “company file” to replace the current process for delivering investor information.
2018-08-17T15:00:00Z By Joe Mont
President Trump has asked the SEC for a plan to “stop quarterly reporting and go to a six-month system.” It revives a longstanding, long-debated argument in the corporate and shareholder communities.
2025-03-27T13:11:00Z By Jeff Dale
The U.K. Financial Reporting Council issued penalties against PwC and a former auditor over deficiencies on work related to the 2019 financial statements of now shuttered Wyelands Bank.
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