To paraphrase Martin Landau's character on Entourage, "If I told you that Deloitte had filed a lawsuit against its own vice chairman for allegedly engaging in insider trading in options with respect to 12 Deloitte clients ... would that be something that would interest you?"

Well, yeah. Of course it would. But until yesterday, despite the fact that this lawsuit was filed way back on October 29 and apparently well-known throughout Deloitte, the only places in the entire world that this story was available for the last week-plus has been the Twitter feed of accountant Francine McKenna, a little-known legal publication called Courthouse News, and my publication (Securities Docket).

Finally, yesterday, the Huffington Post blog wrote a story about it (click here), as well, so now we are up to the "major blog" level of coverage after eight days (and I guess by virtue of this blog post, the "major trade journal" level). I keep waiting to see this in the WSJ or NY Times, but so far nothing. Maybe next week?

UPDATE: Friday, November 7 seems to have been the tipping point for coverage on this story. Reuters, Chicago Tribune, and Crain's Business filed stories on Friday. More to come, I'm sure.