The Brookeside Group, a consulting, training and technology firm specializing in client relationship management, announced several new features of Brookeside INSIGHT, the company's patent-pending software-as-a-service. The program is designed to help business-to-business companies analyze their client relationships to assess where relationship strengths and weaknesses exist within a client base.

Brookeside surveys a company's clients with INSIGHT, which identifies clients at risk of defecting, those open to up-selling and cross-selling, as well as the reasons behind their motivations. The information from INSIGHT provides sales management and account teams with concrete action steps to up-sell to committed, loyal clients and intervene to prevent possible client defection and lost revenue.

Among INSIGHT's new capabilities: 

Enhanced support for multiple languages, including French, German, Italian, Canadian French and Swedish;

Ability to more easily share data across global account teams through a secure online reporting portal; and

Improved reports with specific information on how to interpret and act upon client feedback.

“These features were largely in response to feedback from our clients,” said Tom Cates, president of Brookeside. With the latest version of INSIGHT, Brookeside can structure data by audience. For example, the CMO can see the broader implications of the feedback results on the sales pipeline, while the account manager can see individual results to maximize a particular relationship.