TextGuard, a provider of electronic mobile communication compliance solutions, announced that it has upgraded its enterprise solution to integrate with all existing enterprise-size archiving solutions.

“Being able to integrate a mobile compliance initiative into a single compliance platform, where all messages from multiple communication platforms are captured and processed, is essential to an enterprise’s (electronic communication) compliance solution," said Tim Pedregon, a FINRA compliance consultant and former FINRA Compliance examiner.

TextGuard Enterprise was designed to meet the needs of large companies that already have an existing compliance and archiving solution in place. The TextGuard Enterprise compliance solution can reconcile and identify thousands of users, each having multiple corporate and personal identities including multiple devices, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses.

All mobile messages (SMS, PIN Messages, and Blackberry Messenger IM’s) are identified, collected, archived, and stored remotely, or can be exported in any format to an existing data vault to meet mobile e-discovery and instant messaging compliance requirements as defined by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Using proprietary logic, all conversation threads remain intact for easy reporting.

When delivered as a SaaS solution, there are no setup fees, or customization charges. The robust enterprise grade platform is “turn-key” and with only a few minor changes to the data and the delivery of the data, a large enterprise with 25,000 devices can achieve mobile compliance within just a few days. Additionally, the user interface has been developed to be user-friendly and compliance administrators need little or no training.