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- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Tom Fox2016-01-19T10:30:00
Image: We often hear of a rogue employee who is really to blame for a major corruption scandal, but how often do bad apples really cause the problem? And how much is a wider corporate culture—perhaps even one that allows for, or encourages, rogue actors—a more likely source of problems? ...
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2018-04-03T09:15:00Z By Neil Hodge
Although British supermarket chain Tesco secured a DPA for its 2014 fraud offence, three of its executives still face a reckoning in court—with an uncertain outcome.
2016-09-27T11:15:00Z By Neil Hodge
The Financial Reporting Council ended the investigation of U.K. retail giant Tesco’s former CFO, and the Serious Fraud Office just brought charges against three more individuals. Neil Hodge has more.
2024-12-24T13:00:00Z By Jeff Dale
Whether you’re a multinational telecommunications company looking to certify your anti-corruption program post-settlement, or a biochemical company victimized by a “rogue” employee, seeing the light at the end of the enforcement tunnel isn’t always easy.
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