All articles by Tammy Whitehouse – Page 8
When earnings precede audit, auditors cave, study finds
Absent a strong audit committee, management can get an upper hand over auditors when it releases unaudited earnings results to the market, a new study says.
Restatements declined with adjustments, analysis shows
As restatements numbers have fallen in recent years, so too have out-of-period adjustments, according to a recent analysis by Audit Analytics.
EY elects new global chairman and CEO
EY has elected Carmine Di Sibio as its new global chairman and CEO to succeed Mark Weinberger when he departs July 1, 2019.
AICPA develops new benefit plan auditing standards
With new professional standards soon to be finalized, auditors are working on a plan to improve the quality of employee benefit plan audits.
Treasury, IRS issue proposed regulations on BEAT
The U.S. Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service have issued proposed regulations on the base erosion and anti-abuse tax established under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
LIBOR death knell tolls compliance, accounting issues
The slow death of a critical benchmark interest rate will produce a series of compliance headaches for companies stretching over the next few years.
FASB issues Q&A on CECL method, sets roundtable date
To answer CECL implementation questions, FASB issued a Q&A focusing on the weight average remaining maturity, or WARM, method some entities are exploring.
SEC fines company over non-GAAP prominence issue
Still on its soap box over non-GAAP reporting, the SEC issued an enforcement action against home security company ADT focused on problems with prominence.
Comment letters show SEC forced restatement on ASC 606
After a 15-part comment letter exchange with the SEC over its compliance with new revenue recognition rules, Kingsway Financial Services opted to restate.
PCAOB report gives Deloitte its lowest deficiency rate
Deloitte & Touche’s recently published 2017 audit inspection report reflects the lowest deficiency rate the firm has ever earned.
CECL queues up as next big accounting change in 2019
The long-awaited new accounting for credit losses, better known as CECL, is moving forward in 2019 unless someone takes definitive action to delay or alter it.
Study: Audit costs on rise again in 2017
The latest analysis of audit and non-audit fees shows audit fees paid by public companies crept upward in 2017 for the fifth straight year.
SEC settles accounting charges with no monetary penalty
The SEC recently settled charges with a company over accounting and control errors tied to sales incentives, but imposed no monetary penalty.
Goodwill impairments are on the rise, latest study says
Goodwill impairments are rising on corporate balance sheets, according to the latest analysis from advisory firm Duff & Phelps, suggesting impairment will be a source of heartburn in year-end reporting.
Weary from accounting change? Brace for more in 2019
Change has become the new normal in public company accounting offices, and 2019 promises to deliver even more of the same.
SEC plans focus on internal controls at year-end
Given big changes companies are undertaking in their accounting processes, staff at the SEC plan to pay special attention to internal controls.
SEC disciplines Crowe, two partners over audit failures
The SEC has settled charges against Crowe and two of its partners for “significant audit failures” connected to a payroll services firm that went bankrupt.
PCAOB finalizes new standards on estimates, specialists
Auditors have new rules to follow in auditing accounting estimates and in relying on the work of specialists to arrive at audit opinions.
ISACA issues COBIT 2019 to help reboot IT governance
ISACA has updated its COBIT framework and issued some accompanying guidance to help companies refresh their information and technology governance.
FASB plans January roundtable to address CECL tension
Amid growing tension over a pending new standard on recognizing credit losses, the Financial Accounting Standards Board says it will convene a roundtable in January.