All articles by Tammy Whitehouse – Page 30
AICPA objects to naming partners on benefit plan audits
The accounting profession is objecting to proposed changes to employee benefit plan reporting, especially requiring the name of the engagement partner on plan audits. More from Tammy Whitehouse.
SEC approves support fee increase to fund PCAOB budget
The accounting support fee that public companies and broker-dealers pay to support audit regulation will rise in 2017 by about 6 percent, based on the PCAOB’s budget. Tammy Whitehouse has more.
PCAOB hits Deloitte again, this time at Netherlands affiliate
Deloitte has taken another enforcement hit from the PCAOB, this time for independence violations at an affiliate in the Netherlands. More from Tammy Whitehouse.
CAQ nudges audit committees on revenue recognition oversight
Citing an “urgent” need for audit committees to get up to speed on implementation of the new revenue recognition standard, the Center for Audit Quality offers some pointers. Tammy Whitehouse has more.
Companies fixed prominence most in non-GAAP sweep
To respond to pushback on non-GAAP accounting, most companies made changes to how prominently they displayed such figures, according to a recent analysis. Tammy Whitehouse reports.
Still battling over internal control? Focus on risk assessments, communication
In the continually evolving battle over internal control reporting and auditing, the strategy for the next front should include better risk assessments and timely communication with auditors. Tammy Whitehouse has more.
2016 PCAOB inspection results will deliver mixed results
When 2016 inspection results are published on the major audit firms next year, they will show an overall reduction in adverse findings, but also a spike in findings for at least one Big 4 firm. Tammy Whitehouse has more.
SEC shifts non-GAAP focus to most serious violations
Tension continues over proper use, especially prominence, of non-GAAP accounting measures, but the focus seems to be shifting to the most egregious violations.
FASB plans pause before digging into big new rules
After issuing some huge changes to accounting standards, FASB will keep the current work load or corporate accounting offices in mind before taking on big new projects.
SEC passes on relief for adopting revenue, then accessing capital
Companies adopting the new revenue recognition standard and accessing capital markets soon afterward are getting no clear pass on the extra reporting requirements.
KPMG's latest inspection shows more modest improvement
KPMG's newest PCAOB inspection report shows another modest improvement in audit errors, although no one is yet jumping for joy over deficiency findings.
Audit cost data hint at improvements in internal control
The newest data on audit costs suggest public companies, or at least the largest ones, might be getting a handle on internal control over financial reporting. Tammy Whitehouse reports.
SEC renews calls for revenue disclosures at year-end
Staff members at the SEC continue to beat the drum for disclosure about revenue recognition adoption, even where companies don’t have hard numbers. Tammy Whitehouse has more.
PCAOB settles two actions against Deloitte affiliates
The PCAOB has settled actions against Deloitte affiliates in Brazil and Mexico involving allegations of issuing false audit reports and failing to archive audit documentation. Tammy Whitehouse reports.
AICPA objects to Labor Dept. proposal on benefit plan reporting
The accounting profession is objecting to proposed changes to employee benefit plan reporting, especially requiring plan sponsors to name the engagement partner on plan audits. Tammy Whitehouse has more.
Companies take action against rising audit costs, FERF study says
Tammy Whitehouse has the results of a new study that shows audit cost increases for public companies are outpacing inflation, but the largest companies are taking measures to keep cost increases in check.
PCAOB plans final action on new audit report
Audit regulators are on track to finalize by year-end a long-developing overhaul of the standard audit report. Tammy Whitehouse looks at what that means for auditors in the coming year.
SEC signals continued intensity around internal controls
As the year-end audit cycle approaches, regulators are signaling that their expectations around internal control over financial reporting are not diminishing. Tammy Whitehouse reports.
Questions abound as companies adopt new lease accounting standard
The rise in questions on the new lease accounting standard suggest some companies are cracking the spine on that new rulebook, reports Tammy Whitehouse.
Biggest companies wrapping up revenue recognition studies
Big companies are wrapping up revenue recognition assessments and determining what to disclose to investors at year-end. Tammy Whitehouse has more.