All articles by Tammy Whitehouse – Page 27
As firms adopt revenue rules, are they ignoring disclosure?
Whether you think your company is ready for the new accounting for revenue recognition or not, it’s probably not ready to comply with new disclosure requirements.
AICPA release 11 more revenue recognition drafts
Accounting experts are releasing their latest views on how to apply the new revenue recognition standard to some industry-specific questions.
FASB shortens write-down period for some debt securities
The Financial Accounting Standards Board has settled on a new way for companies to amortize, or write down the value, of certain debt securities.
Execs use audit insights to improve business, poll says
A Deloitte poll says C-suite executives and audit committee members use audit insights to improve business performance and operational processes.
Internal audit increases uptake in data analytics
Internal auditors are developing at least a baseline capability in data analytics, with most departments using the high-tech tools or making plans to do so.
Has the time arrived for a corporate overhaul of ERM?
Corporate approaches to risk management are not keeping pace with the velocity and complexity of risk in today’s business environment. Is it time for an ERM refresh?
Going concern rules produce puzzling disclosure scenario
Companies and their auditors are following different going concern disclosure rules, leading to a puzzling disclosure from Sears that has left capital market players scratching their heads.
PCAOB inspection findings rise at Grant Thornton
While audit inspection findings across the major firms generally improved in the most recently reported year, such was not the case at Grant Thornton.
Newest internal audit poll calls for focus on disruption
If there’s a point to internal audit beyond fulfilling a compliance requirement, it seems as if corporate America is still trying to figure it out.
Can inline XBRL save XBRL, or at least improve data quality?
Slow progress in shifting financial statement data to the digital realm may be getting a boost, but the clock is ticking for proponents to show the real benefits of XBRL.
To combat fraud, check accounting policies, internal controls
In the battle against fraud and restatements, a company’s best allies are strong accounting policies and well-documented internal controls, a new report says.
Can inline XBRL save XBRL? Or at least improve data quality?
Slow progress in shifting financial statement data to the digital realm may be getting a boost, but the clock is ticking for proponents show the real benefits of XBRL.
SEC approves 2017 GAAP Taxonomy for use in XBRL filings
The SEC has given its final approval to the 2017 GAAP Taxonomy that public companies will use to prepare their XBRL financial statement exhibits.
FASB finalizes change, proposes another to compensation rules
The FASB is making inroads on more accounting change around compensation with a new standard for retirement benefits and a new proposal around stock compensation.
Early work on new lease rules reveals big effort ahead
Waiting in line behind revenue recognition, new requirements to bring leases on to corporate balance sheets are starting to win pockets of attention.
Companies will soon have new way to gut check cyber risk
The accounting profession is putting the finishing touches on a new, voluntary audit to help companies better assess their cyber-security risk management.
Non-GAAP crackdown renders earnings process complex, poll says
The crackdown on non-GAAP financial reporting has led to little investor or analyst reaction and made the earnings release process long and complex, companies say.
Banks prepare for expected credit loss rules
Amid changing revenue recognition rules, banks face even bigger changes in recognizing expected credit losses, a rule everyone else needs to follow, as well.
Lease survey suggests companies are moving toward adoption
A software company’s recent survey suggests two-thirds of companies are on schedule in adopting new lease accounting requirements, but even the firm’s CEO is wary.
SEC proposes requiring inline XBRL, provides IFRS taxonomy
The SEC has taken steps to advance the use and accuracy of digital financial statement data, proposing required use of inline XBRL and providing IFRS taxonomy.