All articles by Tammy Whitehouse – Page 12
Tax functions need high-tech tools, KPMG outlook says
Tax departments need to tool up to be ready for the kinds of tax planning that will occur in the coming 12 months, especially under tax reform, survey says.
Confidence in auditors tapers in 2018, poll says
Investor confidence in auditors and in capital markets in general fell in 2018, according to the annual poll by the Center for Audit Quality.
Report calls out gender disparity among engagement partners
As audit firms disclose who performs public company audits, gender diversity is emerging as the first major concern regarding audit engagement leadership.
Guidance confirms diminished tax benefits for exec comp
While certain aspects of tax reform remain ambiguous, the provisions around the deductibility of executive compensation awards are becoming clearer.
Treasury, IRS issue proposed GILTI rules under tax reform
Treasury and the IRS have issued proposed new regulations on how to calculate global intangible low-taxed income under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Tax reform enthusiasm is waning, BDO poll says
As the true effects of tax reform unfold, enthusiasm is waning in corporate boardrooms, according to a recent poll.
Still MIA: 2016 inspection report on KPMG
Audit regulators remain mum on when, if ever, they will publish a report on their 2016 inspection of Big 4 audit firm KPMG.
SEC, FASB issue changes aimed at simplifying disclosure requirements
Companies need to update their disclosure controls and procedures now that the SEC and FASB are starting to trim unnecessary bulk out of disclosure requirements.
FASB takes red pen to rules on financial instruments
The Financial Accounting Standards Board is planning a number of updates to accounting standards around all three of its major new standards on financial instruments.
Entities plead for tax guidance on depreciation, losses
Nearly 300 companies and associations signed a letter to the U.S. Treasury asking for guidance to edit what they call drafting errors in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Big 4 get input on how to treat GILTI under tax law
Big 4 firms are meeting with FASB and SEC staff to sort out how to report certain effects of tax reform when clarity on provisions within the tax law is still elusive.
Guidance equips companies to advance CECL adoption
Recent guidance and potentially more to come is aiding companies in their long journey to adopt the new CECL method for reflecting credit losses.
FASB updates guidance on cloud computing costs
Companies now have new guidance on how to account for the costs of implementing certain cloud computing service arrangements.
As artificial intelligence rises, let’s not forget about human intelligence
Will technology eventually replace people in the compliance space? Not anytime soon, say experts, who believe human analysis—and accountability—will never go away.
FASB reprises materiality language, edits disclosures
GAAP now contains a shorter list of disclosure requirements for fair-value measurements and defined benefit plans, along with a reprised definition of materiality.
Accountants, auditors turn to technology to cope with change
Accountants and auditors coping with an onslaught of new requirements are beginning to regard technology as a critical means of achieving compliance.
PCAOB issues more guidance on new audit disclosures
The PCAOB has issued more guidance to auditors about how they should comply with requirements to add new information to audit reports.
SEC enforcements against accountants taper, report says
SEC enforcement actions against accountants have tapered off the past few years, according to a new analysis, while PCAOB actions jumped and remained high.
IRS issues notice on compensation rules under tax reform
Companies are getting a little more clarity from the IRS on how to interpret provisions under tax reform affecting executive compensation.
FASB proposes amendments to CECL standard
The Financial Accounting Standards Board is proposing some amendments to the pending new standard on credit losses.