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- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Matt Kelly2014-11-07T11:45:00
Good news for compliance officers wondering whether their program really helps the company to achieve better outcomes: Our next Compliance Week executive roundtable, happening in Washington D.C. next month, will explore how you measure program effectiveness. If you’re a compliance officer who will be in the Washington area on Dec. ...
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News and analysis for the well-informed compliance or audit exec. Select an option and click continue.
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2022-11-08T22:16:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
A new sitcom picked up by NBC for the next broadcast season will feature Jon Cryer of “Two and a Half Men” fame as Jim, a “sarcastic but good natured compliance officer who has little conflict in his life and lots of warmth and laughter.”
2020-10-27T18:22:00Z By Compliance Week
Julie DiMauro will join Compliance Week as Director of Compliance Programs & Training. She will play a leading role in planning all live and virtual CW events in addition to developing online training and compliance education programs.
2019-05-01T20:20:00Z By Dave Lefort
Thursday marks an important milestone for Compliance Week, a culmination of months of planning and building the customized digital platform our subscribers deserve.
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