Splunk, a provider of software platforms for real-time operational intelligence, has announced a strategic alliance with business analytics software provider, Tableau Software, to leverage the power of advanced visual analytics and real-time machine data.

As part of a joint technology investment, the latest version of Tableau software includes Splunk Enterprise as a native data source using Splunk's recently launched ODBC driver.

The direct connection between Splunk and Tableau provides the following benefits:

Tableau users can now leverage Tableau to visualize machine data from Splunk Enterprise, enabling new business insights from a rapidly growing class of data.

People can now access a new source of valuable machine data with Splunk Enterprise. These capabilities are complementary to the real-time and historical visualizations and analytics across large data sets in Splunk Enterprise.

The integration enables users to correlate, analyze, and visualize machine data with other structured data for advanced business analytics.

The integration provides direct access to saved searches within Splunk Enterprise 6 from Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server, using Splunk's new ODBC driver, for further data exploration and visualization.

More details about Splunk's and Tableau's integration can be found here and here.