More companies enter ‘discovery phase’ of ESG reporting in 2023

ESG data

Climate-related disclosure efforts are amplifying year over year (YOY), despite persistent and persnickety pain points, as more organizations widen the scope of the “discovery phase” of their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) journeys.

For the second year, Compliance Week polled risk and compliance practitioners on their climate-related disclosure efforts as part of our annual “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey. The survey received 322 responses; of that total, 128 said they must comply with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s proposed climate-related disclosure rule and/or the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

For nearly half (45 percent) the practitioners, both the CSRD and the proposed SEC rules will pertain to their business. About a third (34 percent) said only the SEC rules have relevance, while the remaining 21 percent said only the CSRD will apply.

By and large, companies made strides on their ESG journeys over the last 12 months.


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