- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Aaron Nicodemus2021-09-22T18:01:00
A Compliance Week and Fulcrum survey of more than 200 compliance, audit, legal, and finance executives worldwide revealed support for ESG initiatives, but uncertainty about how to monitor progress and measure results.
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2021-11-19T13:00:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
Respondents to our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey agree compliance should play a key part as businesses determine their ESG strategy—either through primary oversight or meaningful participation.
2021-11-03T15:58:00Z By Jaclyn Jaeger
Financial institutions are growing more sophisticated in the way they incorporate scenario analysis into their risk assessments and in quantifying their climate-related risks, a new survey from the Global Association of Risk Professionals finds.
2021-10-22T19:23:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
In a report ordered by President Joe Biden, the Financial Stability Oversight Council urged market participants, public companies, and regulators to develop a common agenda to respond to climate change-related financial risk.
2025-03-11T20:33:00Z Provided by GAN Integrity
This is a Compliance Week Survey, sponsored by GAN Integrity. It is completely anonymous and designed to help benchmark the state of third-party due diligence. Results will be shared by Compliance Week and GAN Integrity in the form of a benchmark report.
2025-02-05T18:56:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
Managing the unrelenting pace and increasing complexity of regulations is the top concern among compliance professionals, according to a recent survey by Compliance Week and Resolver.
2024-12-16T19:23:00Z By Adrianne Appel
The majority of businesses are using AI and doing so without governance–a compliance gap that poses extreme risks, a new survey by Compliance Week and GAN Integrity found. A webinar will discuss why it is crucial to have AI governance, how to implement it, and what strategies to strengthen programs. ...
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