All Surveys & Benchmarking articles – Page 8
Modern-day enterprises: How to prepare for and prove network compliance
The need to prove network compliance is intensifying as lawmakers introduce new privacy legislation and organizations update their contractual security requirements for third-party vendors.
News Brief
Cybersecurity, AML risks among SEC 2024 exam priorities
SEC examiners will be asking tough questions of registered firms regarding how they handle risks related to operational security, interact with financial technology companies and crypto assets, and the maturity of their anti-money laundering programs.
‘Ethics & Compliance for Humans’ highlights potential of profession
Adam Balfour’s new book explains the benefits ethics and compliance programs designed with the human experience in mind can have on workplaces, communities, and the world at large.
News Brief
PCAOB: Auditors ‘falling short’ on engagement quality reviews
A new staff report issued by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board seeks to provide best practices for auditors amid observations of rising deficiency rates related to engagement quality reviews.
Survey: FinCEN beneficial ownership rule still a mystery to many
A survey of U.S.-based businesses—as well as the law firms and certified public accountants who serve them—uncovered a shocking lack of understanding and preparedness for looming beneficial ownership reporting requirements.
Expert: How data hoarding increases businesses’ cyber risks
Holding on to data for longer than necessary creates vulnerabilities for businesses by giving cyberattackers more avenues to access an organization’s computer systems.
Digital Transformation of Compliance podcast: FedEx CCO Justin Ross
In the debut episode of the Digital Transformation of Compliance podcast series, Justin Ross, chief compliance officer at FedEx, speaks to specific areas in which the shipping giant has digitized and automated parts of its compliance function.
Shinhan Bank enforcements a lesson in not prioritizing compliance
The recent $25 million in combined penalties levied against South Korean-based Shinhan Bank by three U.S. regulators was the culmination of the bank’s failure over an eight-year period to timely correct deficiencies with its anti-money laundering and Bank Secrecy Act processes.
Expert: Clorox ‘trying to do the right thing’ with rapid cyberattack disclosures
The timing of a recent cyberattack against Clorox juxtaposed against the Securities and Exchange Commission’s adoption of its cybersecurity incident disclosure rule soon to take effect has presented a case study regarding how companies might seek to meet the requirements of the rule.
DOJ floats declinations as incentive under M&A self-disclosure safe harbor
The Department of Justice’s push to incentivize companies to voluntarily self-disclose potential misconduct reached its next stage in the form of a safe harbor policy regarding mergers and acquisitions.
Lessons from Danske Bank CCO: Four pillars to successful remediation
Outgoing Danske Bank CCO Satnam Lehal shares with Compliance Week lessons learned from addressing deficiencies in the bank’s compliance program while managing the expectations of regulators, the board, employees, customers, analysts, investors, and the public.
Survey finds gender parity progress in general counsel compensation
Pay among women general counsel outpaced men in 2022 for only the second time since 2018, according to the latest compensation benchmarking report from corporate leadership data provider Equilar.
NIST framework might help organizations prepare for AI regulations
The new artificial intelligence framework released by the National Institute of Standards and Technology is not a checklist for AI but might help organizations better manage the risks associated with the technology.
Auditor independence on regulators’ radars
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and Securities and Exchange Commission have emphasized in public statements auditor independence is a critical enforcement area, prompting the need for firms to reacquaint themselves with each agency’s requirements.
CPE Webcast: Global compliance trends: Discussing anti-bribery and corruption survey findings
This webcast will break down the key findings of an anti-bribery and corruption survey report and offer additional insights into what global compliance professionals had to say about their ongoing and emerging concerns.
Assessing the value of COSO sustainability reporting guidance
Companies that haven’t yet set up verifiable reporting in their sustainability programs have a ready reference available in the framework put out by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission, experts discussed at CW’s virtual ESG Summit.
Startup or established: Common denominators of corporate ESG strategy
A pair of experts from vastly different companies swapped notes on how to scaffold and structure an environmental, social, and governance program at CW’s virtual ESG Summit.
Path to ESG assurance a crawl-walk-run exercise
It’s important companies exercise patience when determining when to begin an assurance engagement, experts explained during a session at CW’s virtual ESG Summit.
Scope 3 emissions best practices: Be transparent, thorough
There is much companies can do—and must do, given upcoming regulatory requirements—to rein in Scope 3 emissions, sustainability expert Susan McNichols discussed at CW’s virtual ESG Summit.
Survey: Tech gaps, third parties pose biggest ABAC threats
A recent survey conducted by Compliance Week and Morgan Lewis determined areas of insufficient resource support to combat bribery and corruption, along with trends in third-party due diligence.