All Surveys & Benchmarking articles – Page 7
The five pillars of visibility
Learn key advice on how to raise your professional profile, whether you are working as a compliance professional in a permanent role for one company or as an independent contractor.
News Brief
HHS publishes updated healthcare compliance guidance
New guidance from the Department of Health and Human Services is designed to apply generally to the healthcare industry, from doctors to pharmaceutical manufacturers, and help all such entities self-monitor their compliance and prevent waste, fraud, and abuse.
Embracing change key to success for compliance officer of tomorrow
Between changes in technology and regulation and worsening geopolitical tensions, the compliance officer is being tested like never before. Those who will succeed in this environment are the ones that will be open to change, a panel discussed at Compliance Week’s Europe conference in London.
KPMG report forecasts heighted risk standards for banks in 2024
A new report from KPMG predicted the banking and financial services industries will be hit with unprecedented regulatory intensity in 2024, with regulators expecting compliance deficiencies to be addressed more thoroughly and quicker than ever before.
TPRM Summit: How to operate a risk-based due diligence program
A panel of experts broke down the nuts and bolts of integrating a risk-ranking strategy and tailored approach to third-party due diligence at CW’s virtual TPRM and Oversight Summit.
News Brief
FCPA opinion tackles government-authorized payments
A new Foreign Corrupt Practices Act review by the Department of Justice offers an example of when stipends paid to foreign government personnel would not be considered a violation of the anti-bribery provisions of the law.
News Brief
CFTC touts record digital asset results in FY23 enforcement recap
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission solidified its view that it should be a primary regulator of cryptocurrencies with a record amount of cases regarding the digital asset space in fiscal year 2023.
Digital Transformation of Compliance podcast: CW Advisory Board member Stan Yakoff
In this episode of the Digital Transformation of Compliance podcast series, Stan Yakoff, a CW Advisory Board member and Fordham Law professor, shares his perspectives on sourcing new technologies, data measurement, and areas where tech can make the biggest impact.
News Brief
CFTC: ‘Majority’ of FY23 whistleblower cases related to crypto fraud
Most of the whistleblower tips received by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in fiscal year 2023 related to fraud and misappropriation of crypto/digital assets.
The value of sales and compliance allyship
“Every compliance activity is a sales activity,” writes Al Raymond, privacy compliance officer at ZoomInfo, regarding his team’s approach to demonstrate to sales how a strong control environment can be a competitive advantage.
News Brief
HealthSun Health Plans earns DOJ declination in employee fraud case
The impact of the Department of Justice’s voluntary self-disclosure program was on display in the agency’s declination of an enforcement action against Florida-based health insurance company HealthSun Health Plans for apparent fraud committed by its employees and agents.
Digital Transformation of Compliance podcast: Ryder CCO Pilar Caballero
In this episode of the Digital Transformation of Compliance podcast series, Pilar Caballero, chief compliance officer and chief privacy officer at Ryder, discusses her company’s process for vetting privacy concerns regarding use of new technologies.
SEC crackdown on whistleblower violations a warning on employment contracts
Recent enforcement cases brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding apparent violations of its whistleblower protection rule are proof the agency is taking compliance with the rule “very seriously,” said Enforcement Director Gurbir Grewal.
Survey: Risk chiefs feeling pressure from growing compliance mandates
Mounting compliance requirements and technological innovations have chief risk officers facing more complex risk environments, according to a KPMG survey.
Digital Transformation of Compliance podcast: Pure Storage CLO Niki Armstrong
In this episode of the Digital Transformation of Compliance podcast series, Niki Armstrong, chief legal officer and corporate secretary at Pure Storage, discusses how her compliance team is considering using generative artificial intelligence.
Experts: Copyright, IP concerns top of mind with AI use
Companies need to be aware of the legal risks and liabilities associated with their use of AI-based technologies, as technology firms are not the only ones in regulators’ sights, a panel of experts discussed at Compliance Week’s Europe conference in London.
Risk models show finance, real estate most likely to face costly cyber events
The finance and real estate industries are at higher risk of experiencing a high-cost material cybersecurity incident, compared to other sectors, according to new research from risk modeling firm Kovrr based off data from U.S. Fortune 1,000 companies.
Q&A: Bangladeshi compliance AVP on future of AML, leadership strategies
Rezaul Karim, assistant vice president, risk and compliance at HSBC Bangladesh, discusses with Compliance Week recent changes in KYC/AML compliance, how new technology is shaping the banking industry, and strategies for building and leading effective AML teams.
Humans vs. machines, it all comes back to data
A panel of experts discussed trending topics in the compliance space, including the debate over whether humans or machines will lead future efforts to fight financial crime, during the opening keynote at Compliance Week’s Europe conference in London.
Digital Transformation of Compliance podcast: Stellantis CCO Darren Bradshaw
In this episode of the Digital Transformation of Compliance podcast series, Darren Bradshaw, chief audit and compliance officer at Stellantis, shares how the automaker has digitized and automated parts of its compliance function.