All Surveys & Benchmarking articles – Page 6
Surveys: Finance, legal execs share concerns around AI use
Finance executives and general counsel alike say their firms and leadership teams are unprepared for the risks and benefits of artificial intelligence, according to two recent surveys.
Book review: Demythologizing money laundering, demystifying AML compliance
Movies and TV shows might have launched a thousand armchair experts on the topic of money laundering, but few can explain how or why it’s done. Ola Tucker’s book, “The Flow of Illicit Funds,” does exactly that.
Survey: Companies bullish on new tech amid enhanced sanctions scrutiny
Emerging technologies like automation and generative AI are on the radar as difference-makers for businesses serious about keeping pace with increasing regulatory scrutiny toward third-party due diligence and sanctions compliance, a survey conducted by Compliance Week and Certa found.
News Brief
CFTC proposes guidance for voluntary carbon credits
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission promoted the need for developing high-integrity voluntary carbon markets in publishing proposed guidance for the listing of voluntary carbon credit derivative contracts.
DOJ cooperation credit breakdowns: Albemarle, Tysers, H.W. Wood
Nicole Argentieri, acting head of the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division, breaks down where Albemarle, Tysers Insurance Brokers, and H.W. Wood went right—and wrong—on the cooperation credit and remediation fronts as part of their FCPA settlements with the agency.
The road from CCO to board: What compliance professionals need to know
Chief compliance officers and chief ethics and compliance officers desire progressing to the board more than any other role change, our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey found. So, what does it take for compliance to get on a corporate board?
Compliance officers share lack of faith in off-channel comms monitoring policies
Addressing employee use of off-channel communications for conducting business was clearly on the minds of compliance officers who responded to our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey, but their confidence in their related policies and procedures was surprisingly weak.
Despite AI hype, compliance remains hesitant adopter
Most compliance professionals say their teams are not using artificial intelligence to assist with compliance obligations, according to our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey.
Digital Transformation of Compliance podcast: GWU Professor Kyle Welch
In this episode of the Digital Transformation of Compliance podcast series, Kyle Welch, a George Washington University associate professor of accountancy, discusses findings from his research on internal whistleblowing and compliance dashboards built by publicly traded U.S. companies to leverage hotline data.
More companies enter ‘discovery phase’ of ESG reporting in 2023
Climate-related disclosure efforts are amplifying year over year, despite persistent and persnickety pain points, as more organizations widen the scope of their ESG journeys, our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey found.
News Brief
Singapore banks say money laundering risks up after $2B scandal
Risks posed by money laundering and the financing of terrorism have dramatically increased in Singapore, according to a recent survey of the city-state’s financial institutions conducted by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
Inside the Mind of the CCO: Compliance feeling regulatory heat in 2023
Our fifth annual “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey saw keeping up with regulatory policies dethrone resource support as the biggest concern among all respondents for the first time.
Survey Report: Companies bullish on new tech amid enhanced sanctions scrutiny
If sanctions are the top enforcement priority for the Department of Justice, companies have got the message, according to a recent study.
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CISA guidance provides cyber risk mitigation strategies for healthcare
New guidance released by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency offers best practices for organizations in the healthcare and public health sector to adopt to combat rising cyber threats.
No time like present to tackle thorny problem of off-channel comms
The new messaging on use off-channel communications for business should be clear: What was done before is no more. It cannot continue. The stakes are too high.
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Lifecore Biomedical earns FCPA declination for voluntary self-disclosure
Pharmaceuticals company Lifecore Biomedical won’t face prosecution for apparent violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act after satisfying multiple factors of the Department of Justice’s recently updated voluntary self-disclosure policy.
How technology can help track off-channel communications use
Establishing a set of policies and procedures to prevent employee use of nonauthorized electronic communications to conduct business is relatively straightforward. The hard part is monitoring compliance.
A job never done: Tips for TPRM integration
Taking risk mitigation further and understanding your third parties and their risks can create value for your organization, practitioners discussed as part of a panel at CW’s virtual TPRM and Oversight Summit.
Solving the off-channel communications conundrum
Firms monitoring employee use of off-channel communications for business purposes face numerous obstacles. How much is enough, in the opinion of regulators? How much is too much, in the eyes of employees? Determinations must be made as regulators crack down.
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SEC lauds cooperators, whistleblowers in FY23 enforcement results
A big year for disgorgement helped the Securities and Exchange Commission to its second highest total of financial remedies ordered in a single year in fiscal year 2023.