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CW National 2024 Q&A: JBS CECO on compliance post-settlement
Michael Koenig, global chief ethics and compliance officer at JBS Foods, previews his session on rebuilding the compliance department following settlements with the Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission at CW’s National Conference in Washington, D.C.
FTC ‘will not stand for’ misuse of browsing, location data
The Federal Trade Commission is amid a crackdown on businesses misusing browsing and location data that provide enough information to be used to identify nonconsenting consumers.
PCAOB 2022 inspection reports: Big Four setbacks; KPMG redacted
Three of the Big Four audit firms saw increases to the deficiency rates observed in their latest Public Company Accounting Oversight Board inspection reports, while KPMG had its results redacted.
Best practices for determining need for a human rights policy
Does your business need a human rights policy? An increasing number of organizations believe they do, according to research firm Gartner.
News Brief
Walmart shares successes behind supplier emissions reduction initiative
Retail giant Walmart announced the completion of an initiative to reduce emissions in its supply chain six years earlier than its intended target.
Compliance’s role in managing challenges related to employee side hustles
Employees engaging in side businesses—part-time jobs or new company creations—can introduce a myriad of risks for a company.
DOJ official: Expect more cybersecurity false claim enforcements
The announcement of a record year in several areas of False Claims Act enforcement at the Department of Justice was accompanied by a warning that more significant cases are coming, particularly regarding cybersecurity-related claims.
Experts: No easy fix for U.K. senior manager accountability shortcomings
Legal experts generally agree the U.K.’s record for prosecuting board-level executives for financial and economic crime could be better. But some believe there is a problem criticizing poor enforcement when the legislation in place has its own shortcomings.
Ten things I’m excited for at CW National 2024
A new month and a new venue but a lot of the same you love about Compliance Week’s National Conference. CW Editor in Chief Kyle Brasseur shares what he’s looking forward to most at the 2024 edition of the annual event.
The path to DOJ cooperation credit: Analyzing recent FCPA cases
Recent enforcement actions offer guidance on what the Department of Justice considers to be an “imminent threat” of disclosure or government action, what it means by “prompt” disclosure, and how a company can earn credit for revealing all relevant facts.
Virtual Roundtable: What to make of new DOJ corporate enforcement priorities
Compliance Week is hosting a virtual roundtable during which experts will break down recent policy changes at the Department of Justice and what they mean for corporate compliance programs.
LRN survey: Compliance programs shifting focus from bribery, corruption
Many ethics and compliance programs have refocused their efforts away from bribery and corruption and onto data security and privacy, complex government regulations, artificial intelligence security, and other contemporary challenges, a survey from LRN found.
Toeing the ‘fine line’ of cloud security compliance
When organizations move their data or operations to the cloud, the compliance team has their work cut out and then some, experts discussed at CW’s Cyber Risk & Data Privacy Summit.
Experts: SCOTUS ruling shifts onus to employers in whistleblower cases
The Supreme Court’s unanimous decision to reaffirm whistleblower protections under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in a case involving UBS has wide ramifications in many other industries beyond financial services, according to legal experts.
Table: SEC, CFTC off-channel communications penalties
The Securities and Exchange Commission and Commodity Futures Trading Commission have combined to levy nearly $3.5 billion in penalties (so far) against firms and their affiliates in response to recordkeeping failures regarding employee use of off-channel communications for business purposes.
Compliance with growing number of U.S. privacy laws ‘a matter of culture change’
Different deadlines associated with the 13 U.S. state privacy laws currently on the books, including grace periods and enforcement dates, have proven challenging for compliance, experts discussed at CW’s Cyber Risk & Data Privacy Summit.
Experts: Good data breach response grounded in preparation
Two chief compliance officers and an attorney discussed preparation for the “when, not if” threat of a data breach during a panel at CW’s Cyber Risk & Data Privacy Summit.
Jury out on viability of AI in ESG reporting
Tech vendors believe ESG reporting is a ripe market for artificial intelligence to help companies sift through data and ensure compliance with both mandatory and voluntary reporting standards. Compliance officers appear less sure.
ACAMS survey: Budget cuts, criminal tech innovation top 2024 threats
Nearly 800 financial crime professionals said the biggest threats to the effectiveness of their anti-money laundering programs are budget cuts and their inability to keep pace with more aggressive and innovative uses of technology by criminals to commit fraud.
What future holds for PCAOB post China crackdowns
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board’s first enforcement settlements with mainland China and Hong Kong firms won’t be the last, as the chair of the regulator says its “just getting started.” U.S. firms must be mindful of the specific ethical issues highlighted.