All Stress Tests articles

  • Bank of England
    News Brief

    Bank of England report: ’Need to improve’ private equity risk management


    A Bank of England report warned of private equity risk management deficiencies as interest rates remain stagnant, with international coordination important.

  • Federal Reserve

    Fed vice chair: Large banks should expect capital standards to increase


    The Federal Reserve Board will propose increasing capital standards for large banks and holding companies to build up the banking system’s resiliency against unanticipated market shocks.

  • Silicon Valley Bank sign
    News Brief

    Fed pledges heightened supervision following SVB collapse


    The Federal Reserve Board will likely recommend strengthening regulatory and supervisory procedures for mid-sized regional banks in the aftermath of the failure of Silicon Valley Bank.

  • Bankatrisk
    News Brief

    Banking regs set 2023 stress test scenarios


    Banking regulators unveiled new stress test requirements for the largest financial institutions, including a series of hypothetical global market shocks six banks will be required to face.

  • Climate stress

    Fed recommends member banks perform climate change stress tests


    The Federal Reserve will encourage financial institutions to assess the potential financial ramifications of climate change by conducting stress tests, similar to those performed following the 2007-09 financial crisis.

  • Blog

    Fed moves to make stress tests less stressful


    The Federal Reserve Board on Tuesday finalized changes to its stress testing program for the nation’s largest and most complex banks. The intent is to make the resiliency assessments “more open, transparent, and effective.”

  • Blog

    Federal Reserve floats simplified capital rules and stress tests


    The Federal Reserve Board is seeking public comments on a proposal intended to simplify its capital rules for large banks and potentially loosen requirements for the stress tests administered to them.

  • Blog

    Agencies announce postitive results for living wills


    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Federal Reserve Board have released resolution plans for the eight largest and "most complex" domestic banks. In a signal of progress, none were found to have severe deficiencies.

  • Blog

    Dems: stress tests ‘show Dodd-Frank is working’


    Good news from the latest round of big bank stress tests is giving Senate Democrats ammunition as they defend the Dodd-Frank Act against repeal-and-replace efforts.

  • reportcard

    Fed releases report card on capital plans of big banks


    The Federal Reserve has released the results of its annual Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review, an assessment of whether bank holding companies with $50 billion or more in total consolidated assets have effective capital planning processes and adequate assets on-hand to absorb losses during stressful conditions. While many plans passed ...

  • Blog

    Federal Reserve releases bank stress test results


    Some good news from the Federal Reserve this week: U.S. banks seem to have enough cash on hand to weather a variety of unexpected economic calamities and downturns. “The nation's largest bank holding companies continue to build their capital levels and improve their credit quality, strengthening their ability to lend ...

  • GlassesReportCard

    Banks get report cards, to-do demands for their ‘living wills’


    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Federal Reserve Board have released firm-specific report cards on the 2015 resolution plans of eight systemically important, domestic banks. The determinations were made public on Wednesday, one day after a report by the Government Accountability Office called for greater transparency in how their ...

  • Blog

    Fed Proposes Liquidity Disclosures, Will Improve Examinations


    Image: There was a warning last week from Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo to expect an increase to stress test minimum capital requirements and a proposed rule requiring banks to publicly disclose aspects of their liquidity profile. Also announced was an effort to improve the consistency of supervisory examinations and a ...

  • Blog

    Get Ready For the Biggest Stress-Test of Them All


    Image: Greece in default, China teetering on recession, stock markets shuddering worldwide and interest rates poised for their first increase in years—suddenly, all those exercises in risk management that banks have done in the Dodd-Frank era face their ultimate test. The only problem, writes Compliance Week editor Matt Kelly: Dodd-Frank ...

  • Article

    Dodd-Frank Reform: The Beat Goes On


    The Dodd-Frank Act may be turning five years old this summer. Fights about Dodd-Frank, on the other hand, feel like they’ve been going on forever. Washington was back at it again last week, proposing various fixes, reforms, and exemptions to all manner of Dodd-Frank, much of it to help large-ish ...

  • Blog

    Big Banks All Pass First Round of Stress Tests


    It was report card day at the Federal Reserve. On Wednesday, it released the first round of this year’s stress test results for the nation’s 31 largest banks. For the first time since it began mandatory stress tests in 2009, all banks with $50 billion or more in total consolidated ...

  • Article

    Better Ways to Test Banks’ Stress


    Image: Title: KraynThe banking world will start 2015 with another bout of hand-wringing over stress tests. Critics question whether the tests probe what truly makes large banks a threat to the financial system, and banks know they must somehow use technology to streamline the annual exercise. “Throwing people at the ...