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- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Joe Mont2018-10-29T16:15:00
The Conference of State Bank Supervisors is suing to prevent the OCC from granting special national bank charters to non-banks, specifically FinTech firms.
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News and analysis for the well-informed compliance or audit exec. Select an option and click continue.
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2018-12-04T11:45:00Z By Joe Mont
The OCC has released its “Semiannual Risk Perspective,” a look at the operational, compliance, and interest rate risks likely to present themselves as top banking concerns. The report also offers risk mitigation strategies.
2018-12-04T10:45:00Z By Joe Mont
The OCC will reduce assessments on the banks it oversees for 2019. The change—which takes effect with the March 31, 2019, assessment—will reduce its General Assessment Fee Schedule by 10 percent.
2024-12-06T12:45:00Z By Jaclyn Jaeger
A defamation lawsuit filed by a whistleblower against USAA, which a Florida judge recently dismissed on a technicality, revealed in public court records an estimated 400,000 violations of the Military Lending Act by USAA Federal Savings Bank (USAA Bank), an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of USAA.
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