Splunk, a software platform provider for real-time operational intelligence, has announced the general availability of Hunk: Splunk Analytics for Hadoop.

Hunk is a full-featured, integrated analytics platform for Hadoop that enables all employees to interactively explore, analyze and visualize historical data in Hadoop.

Product highlights include:

Full-featured, Integrated Analytics. Explore, analyze and visualize data, create dashboards and share reports from one integrated platform that works with Apache Hadoop or the Hadoop distribution of your choice

Fast Deployment. Simply point Hunk at your Hadoop cluster and start exploring data immediately.

Interactive Search and Results Preview. Interact with data, change perspectives on-the-fly and preview results as MapReduce jobs are running. Hunk's schema on-the-fly delivers the flexibility to run queries on your Hadoop data without the need to know up front what questions or reports you will need to ask later.

Drag-and-drop Analytics. Enable powerful analytics for everyone with Splunk's patent-pending Data Models and the Pivot Interface, first released in Splunk Enterprise 6.

Rich Developer Environment for Hadoop. Build Big Data applications on top of data in Hadoop using common languages and frameworks.